My Story
Hello! I'm Cheri Lyn. Thank you for stopping by my website. I'm a mom & a bonus mom to five amazing adults and one almost. Our kiddos are Marines,Army,helping others who struggle, a student at Loyola, and a high school sophomore who wants you to rescue a dog, but first, she would like to pet said dog. I am blessed to say that this has been my career for 20 years. I formally learned studio portraiture and now also offer lifestyle photography. I love all genres. I could never just specialize in one. From tiny babies to love stories and everything in between it is my joy, my pleasure to capture those memories and hand them back to you to pass down for generations to come.
Séamus is our Irish Wolfhound. We love him like crazy.
My favorite things. Road trips. If I can get there by car, I want to drive. I feel more at home on the road than any place else in the world. Favorite states I've visited. Montana, Oregon, Washington State, Arizona. It's my dream to photograph a wedding in one of those states that lets me showcase their love story with the background of one of those visions of grandeur. I'd love to visit Alaska, Ireland. I've traveled everywhere with the exception of the northeast. I can't wait to add a pin in those states on my map.
I cry at everything. Mostly acts of kindness. Kindness moves me more than anything. Generosity of spirit. When I witness someone doing something good for someone else, I often find myself overcome with emotion. I wish there were more acts of kindness to go around. My kiddos make endless fun of me for weeping at commercials, greeting cards, television programs and movies. I'm just a softie.
Chocolate chip cookies. The most perfect dessert. Nachos. The most perfect dinner.
Traveling for work. There is such pleasure in learning new places for my clients. My photography has brought me back and forth across the country many times. That dream wedding in Ireland or Italy hasn't happened yet, but a photographer can dream, right? If I could only figure out how to break into the family vacation photography market, I'd be golden. I may need to create that market.
I recently found myself diagnosed with hypothyroidism ( yuck! ) and find that I now have to live that gluten free life. It has not effected my nacho love - but I am currently down about 85 lbs since my diagnosis! Success. I now find that I love the gym as I work hard learning about weights and strength training. I never thought I would be in love with the gym, but it's definitely one of my new happy places.